Posted by James on 17 May 2022
The phrase ‘new normal’ was thrown around so much throughout the pandemic. At the time, we thought our new normal would consist of Netflix’s Tiger King on repeat, weekly quiz nights on Zoom and endless quarantines. Thankfully, it’s not.
The new normal is remote working and we know this because of the facts!
Remote or hybrid working is moving away from being a company perk, or something that is earnt and becoming a standard. HR managers have stated that it’s becoming increasingly difficult to engage candidates in roles that require full-time office presence.
Now is the time to embrace remote working.
Remote working comes with its own challenges… loneliness, burn out and struggles with work-life balance to name a few. Check out Reef, the employee wellbeing perk, for a workplace near you that isn’t your home or the office. Grab a free 14-day trial sign up here:
How Hotels, Coffee Shops, and Pubs Can Attract Remote Workers and Meeting Groups